Day 2:
Joel had to work on this day (Wednesday), so I lounged around a bit, and then decided to go for a run by the river near his home (River Ara? I think that's the name). It was hot that day, but the heat would end after that. After a shower, I went out, and walked around looking for Yellow Pop Records (which was mentioned in an earlier post). In the meantime, I ate at blessed 102 again. Usually, I like to try different things when I travel, but that shit is too good. In the restaurant, I asked a couple of handsome young men where a good record store was. They told me, and it wasn't there, BUT I walked in another direction and found Yellow Pop! Good place, and I already mentioned what I bought in a previous post. Then I headed back.
When Joel got off work, we decided to skip dinner for the moment and see some folk music down in Tokyo. It was at
this bar (I believe), and the night was called "
Chihana presents: Basement Tapes - Deluxe Edition". Now, there was nothing original about the music, but it was fun, and they are all great players. We got there at the tail end of
Chihana's folk set.
Chihana is a 22 year old female virtuoso around those parts. And she obviously has a deep seated love for pure Americana folk n country. Good for her.
Next was
Suemarr, a banjo playin', Band lovin, and overall nice guy. He was accompanied by a lady (Joel help with the name, please) that also played guitar, and had just a really peaceful, almost levitational quality about her. Marriage material. Good set of mostly covers.
Lastly, was The Basement Tapes. Featuring
Chihana on guitar along with 3 other guitar players, one of which was a dead ringer for a 70's era Waylon Jennings. This was definitely some rockin' country roll. Fun stuff. On the way out,
Chihana stopped us, and talked to us for a bit. Joel neglected to get her phone number.
After leaving, one thing led to another, and....we decided to stick around Tokyo all night. First thing, we headed for an Izakaya in Shinjuku. We drank more, ate some delicious raw horse meat, and other goodies. Slept. Talked about talking to some girls another table. Slept. Ate some ice cream with a brownie in it, and finally made it out the door to hit up the Golden Gai area at around 4 am.
We went into a place called....something, but it had The Who on the door, so that was enough. It was pretty cool. Closed in, very little space, but comfortable. The bar owner was happy to see us, and talked a while with us. I don't remember if he used english or japanese. Joel knows some of their language. He's smart. Anyway, no ladies for the night, we went home and slept, excited about what was in store for us the following day.
I really shoulda taken some pics. The picture of Chihana above was taken off the internet.